
Continuum of Care Planning

  • Research and Analysis

  • Strategic Planning

  • Cost Analysis

  • Stakeholder Relations & Buy-in

  • Assessment and Recommendations

  • System Implementation

Coordinated Systems Development and Fortification

  • Community Asset Mapping

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Coordinated System Planning

  • Resource Alignment and Utilization

  • Policy Analysis and Development

  • System Implementation and Support

Organizational Development

  • Executive Leadership Development

  • Role Expansion of People with Lived Experience

  • Direct Service Staff Development

  • Creating and Promoting Organizational Culture

  • Elevating Service Provision

Program Development

  • Program Design and Implementation

  • Increasing Capacity through Collaboration

  • Staffing Plans and Organization Charts

  • Building Strong Community Partnerships

  • Policies, Protocols and Process

  • Contract Compliance and Evaluation Plans

Trainings and Workshops

  • Low-Barrier Access and Triage

  • Rapid Re-Housing and Housing First

  • Street Based Engagement and Outreach

  • Shared Housing

  • Master Leasing

  • Coordinated Entry Systems

Spending Plans and Resource Allocation Strategies

  • Spending Plan Development

  • Strategies for Effective Spend-Down

  • Funding Solicitation Planning

  • Leveraging Resources

  • Technical Assistance